We must speak our minds or fade into obscurity

The other day I had the opportunity to see New York Senior Senator Chuck Schumer speak at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Forum. My friend and I made our way over to the forum and got ready for some answers. Senator Schumer is someone who has been extremely hawkish and stinging with his anti-war criticisms. I figured that the Kennedy school would be the best place. It is one of the premier institutions of politics in the nation.
However, to my grave dissapointment, the forum was nothing of a forum at all. Senator Schumer gave a 30-40 minute speech plugging his book, "Positively American" and told us a ridiculous amount about the fictional, middle-class characters in his book, Joe and Ilene Bailey. They are middle class residents of Brooklyn who are supposed to represent middle class views and lifestyles. This wasn't what bothered me so much. Obviously if I wrote a book, I may take some time to explain it. He was also doing a book signing afterwards and by enticing the audience, he would get increased sales.
What really got to me was the questions that were asked. These Harvard kids were a bunch of brownosers! Every student that stepped up to the microphone began there response with something reminiscent of the following-
"Hello Senator Schumer, My name is ___________ (Insert Smith, Johnson, White, etc...) and I am from _______________ (Insert affluent community here). I would like to thank you for attending the Harvard Forum today. I have a) always followed your career, b) always thought you were great c) admire your distinct voice in the senate d) love you e) always wanted to be a senator one day and aspire to be such an ardent advocate of the left. My question is (compliment to the book) and I wanted to know more about it."
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!? This man is a Senator, not Poseidon. What is everyone afraid of? After a series of questions from these types, there were three different questions from Larouchies! The Larouche Political Action Committee was in full effect talking about a space program run by Russia and Iran. Supporters of Lyndon Larouche, I have one question for you: Why are you constantly irrelevant?
Disgusted by the brownnosing, I walked out. I could not even stand it. I should not have let these types get to me but I did. In the aftermath of the lecture, I have a few questions I will be sending in a letter to Senator Schumer.
1) Senator Schumer, you were one of the chief architects of the Democratic takeover in 2006. The sole reason that the Democrats won was because the majority of the American public disagrees with how the Bush administration is handling the War in Iraq. What are you going to do about it? And please don't give me some rhetoric about non-binding resolutions. Those aren't real, clear solutions.
2) Senator Schumer, I was one of hundreds of thousands of protestors in Washington D.C. on January 27, 2007. We marched right up to the Capitol steps to bring a message to Congress and the President. My question for you was did you even notice? Did you happen to bring it up at the cafeteria with all your buddies during lunch that day? Or did it come up as joking matter of drinks in the Capitol bar that night? If you care that much about ending the war, why were you not in the streets with us? Chuck Rangel was there... were were you?
3) Senator Schumer, you have always defended your vote for the war by the following logic: When 9/11 happened, the majority of the Congress went along with the Presidents plan. When he decided we were going to war, the majority went with his plan. You say that if everyone did what they wanted to, there would be 535 plans with one vote for each plan. So, my question to you is the following: why in the world is the Senate wasting there time with a number of separate NON-BINDING RESOLUTIONS? The key word in this phrase is NON-BINDING. I have been disgusted by the Democrats failure to even muster support for their own resolutions, which will have the net effect of doing absolutely nothing. If you can't do anything about it, you should let the American people know they voted for a farce.
Thank you and goodnight.
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