Lightning in the mind

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tehran Hostage What?

To my great surprise, I opened the Boston Globe editorial page this morning to something I was ACTUALLY interested in reading. Ex-President Jimmy Carter wrote an informative piece about the release of his latest book. The topic of the book is the peace process in Palestine/Israel. For someone like me, who is largely in the dark about most of the important history that has fueled this conflict in the past century, the article laid out some very pertinent information.

Jimmy Carter is the best ex-president to have ever graced this country. It saddens me to know that his image is tarnished by his relatively inactive presidency. Not to say that Carter wasn't a hard worker in office. I just think that the Tehran Hostage and Energy Crises really put the kibosh on all the positive work he did (i.e. the Camp David Accords, etc...).

Check out this article if you need some good talking points for debate on this ever-pressing issue.


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