Lightning in the mind

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake

Mark Santora posted a haunting article in today's New York Times describing a massive double car bombing in Baghdad yesterday. As of now 88 have been declared dead. The attack was described as "one of the worst scenes of carnage since the war began." I find this interesting because the attack last week was also described in these very terms. I know that I am not in Iraq and do not have the benefit of being able to speak to the citizens there. However, it seems like every quote I find in all types of publications (liberal, conservative, etc...) alludes to the idea that Iraqi citizens have no hope for their country.

Why are our men and women standing in the way of missiles and continually being led into dangerous areas chuck full of IED's? Why is it that we are sending an additional 24,000 soldiers into a disaster scene. 3,200 U.S. soldiers have perished in the attacks so far and the number continues to rise daily. Not to mention the 30,000+ Iraqi civilian casualties. No one seems to realize that a good number of our bombing missions are way off target and that Iraqi civilians are largely the victims.

The slew of news reporting from the region only strengthens my conviction that I MUST March on Washington this weekend to protest the horrible handling of this national disaster. Inducing a civil war...the history books will not look kindly on you Mr. Bush.


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