Lightning in the mind

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Ford Funeral

I am currently watching CBS's coverage of President Gerald Ford's funeral services. I just wanted to take a second to say how much I have enjoyed getting to know more about Ford in the past few weeks. I am a huge fan of the study of the American Presidency and the more I learn about Ford as President, the more I respect the man. Although I hugely disagree with his decision to pardon Richard Nixon, I think he really was a selfless man.

I have really enjoyed the modesty of Ford's funeral. Upon juxtaposition with the carnival that was Reagan's funeral, I really think it is suiting send off for a man like Gerald Ford. I would only hope that future funerals of Presidents focus this much on the man and not so much on the myth of grandiosity that surrounds the Executive. It is often times to easy to forget that the human being who occupies the White House is just that, a human being. These men have families, feelings, wants, desires, insecurities, and human tendencies just like the rest of us. I know I too often criticize people in a position of power for making decisions I see as rather selfish and unfounded. This is the true American spirit in me.

President Ford had the courage to make decisions he knew were largely unpopular. He was steadfast and true to his beliefs. For this, I am saddened that such a man has passed away. I wish more people had the courage to do what they know is right.

Happy New Year everyone.



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