Aqua Teen Bomb Threat...

I have been absolutely sickened by the ridiculous police response to the recent guerilla marketing campaign by Turner Broadcasting Company in Boston. For any of you have not already witnessed the absurd police presence due to the ads, let me explain. A non-traditional advertising company out of NYC hired people to place battery powered (glowing) panels of the mooninites all over six cities throughout the United States.
In Boston they were placed in such places as the Charles MGH T stop and under a bunch of highway underpasses. Someone reported one of these glowing signs and called the police. Of course the police, looking to be heroes, assembled a massive ensemble of state, city, and bomb squad forces to shut down the city and try to rescue us from the 'terrorists'. This caused massive delays on the subway, roadways, and disrupted just about every facet of city life. Not to mention dominating the lion share of media coverage for the entire day! There are too many important things going on in the world (Sudan, Iraq, the absurd amount of homelessness, Afghanistan, AIDS, Lebanon... and the list goes on and on) for the media to be freaking out about GLOWING SIGNS PROMOTING AN ADULT SWIM CARTOON!
This event, in combination with the police force shown to us in Washington D.C. at the peace protest on 01/27/07, has demonstrated to me that law enforcement are really looking just to be heroes. Before the whole city of Boston was shutdown, the police should have looked into the sign FIRST. Look if you ask anyone from the age of 18-24, they would certainly know what the sign stood for. Christ, the second I saw it I started laughing. Mayor Menino has said that he is sickened by the ad campaign. I AM SICKENED BY THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT WENT INTO THE USELESS INVESTIGATION. How hypocritical can you be. Apologize to the people of Boston for wasting their time and money. Don't throw these guys in jail for being innovative. After all, that's what capitalism breeds...Competition. The ads were simply trying to get people to buy their product. That is what we Americans do best.
Yesterday really should have awakened the City of Boston to the skewed list of priorities this city government has. Menino needs to get the hell out of office. He has been acting mayor for 14 years. There comes a time when a city needs a change. I have a friend who works for City councilor Tobin. He has told me how Menino has a lock on all city policies. People have shut their brains down. What Menino says, goes. We need a change in Boston and the rest of the country. It is funny how one little event can ignite so much inside of you.
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